Update #2 - June 26, 2024

Hi everyone! Hope you're all staying cooler than Sami is.

So we've managed to scrounge together a demo just in time for otome jam and will be releasing it soon (aka sometime within the next week). It's a mini demo so please consider it just a short overview of the overall game.

What you can expect from it:

  • ~14,000 words showcasing the first half of the common route, ~1-1.5 hours of playtime
  • Brief overview of world/characters
  • One minigame

The minigame is actually the reason we decided to release this mini demo. In an ideal world we'd preferably release the entire common route at once, but we really do need some player feedback on the minigame (it is a bit rough right now) which is why we decided to split it into two parts. There will be a feedback form linked at the end of the demo, so if you could give us some thoughts on it, that'd be great!

That said, we'll definitely make it an option to skip to where the second half begins when we release the next demo, so don't worry about having to replay it again if you don't want to.

As for the second demo, here's our current progress with that:

  • Writing/Editing: 100%
  • Sprite Art: 60%
  • BG Art: 90%
  • CG Art: 0 :)
  • Programming: 0 :) :)
  • Music: 100%
  • GUI: 100%

We'll also be spending some time finishing the KS physical rewards (~70%), as well as making an opening video (~50%), though those are being made by other people so it shouldn't affect game production at all.

We're aiming to get the second half of the demo out in ~2-3 months, so fingers crossed! That'll be when the Kickstarter is too.

Speaking of KS, we spent some time this month setting up all the administration things. You're reading this on itch.io right now, so you'll be able to download the demo right from this account once it's released, but here are some more links to sign up at if you're interested:

See you at the release of the mini demo! (Kinda nervous 😖 but hope you guys like it!)

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This was such a fun demo! I'm really looking forward to what you guys release for the second demo!