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What a good game. 10/10

Thank you! The full demo will be coming out October 14th if you're interested in seeing more!


Usually i don't comment on games, but i just finished the demo and i'm already in love. The game is really fun, everything is very pleasing to the eye and the concept in general makes you want to play some more. The minigame was a first too, and i immediately replayed it. Can't wait to play the extended demo and pay for the full game !

Thank you so much! Glad you liked the escape minigame :D


i love this game with everything in my body. im in love with fio, Thierry, and alexei. i suck at saying names so i had to make up whatever came to mind with those three but i loved this game sm and im so surpised it doesnt cost money to play! its so good and i hope you make the full game bc it was so entertaining! <

Thanks so much for giving it a try! The full game will cost money but we're planning to release an extended demo in October that will also be free to play, so keep an eye out!


Taking time to comment ! 

I feel SO useless to give out some proper feedback, because I'm just like "IT WAS SO FUN" and have nothing very constructive to say 😭😭 But here I go !

OK, so I said I'll say who my fave is and if we exclude Yunie (because that cutie pie is so fun to be around and I always love the MCs), it would be Thierry. I knew for SURE I'd be interested in him because of his looks (I... tend to like white, long haired calm looking MLs + add the royal part, he has a "blue" theme and I'm so very much hooked) but heck when I heard his theme, aaaaa ! I was saying "I'm doomed". Jem was a close second tho, very close to bias-wreck me because of how CUTE he is ❀

A bit more organized opinion :

- Game in general :

I LOVE IT, the UI looks soooo good and clean, it feels very "finished" and polished. I love the fact that there's an ACTUAL SCREENSHOT BUTTON so I can just spam S instead of doing Win+ ImprΓ©cr 😭😭 Whoever thought of this, thank you, it was one of my biggest need for a PC otome since I'm a screenshot spammer πŸ˜­πŸ’•

I like the fact that there's disability options, tho I have no use for them, it's great for those who need them ! The soundtrack is great and has this "city" ambiance, which immediately hooks you into it. All the other soundtracks are good too, I enjoyed them quite a lot ~

- The story

It had no buisness making me stress the very FIRST minute in with a TIMED choice, but my motto is "always go left" so instincts kicked, then panic 😭😭😭 At least it was very immersive. I'm curious about her vision of the future (?) and what the whole truth is ! 

Also I just played a game where drugs, hallucinogens and illegal trafficking were involved so I'm super scared for the whole intrigue (worried about the heartbreak we might face), but super excited overall ! 

Now the characters :

- Jem 

He's sooooooooo cute dang πŸ˜­πŸ’• I was like "if they give him a good blushy sprite, I'll need to throw in some extra €€€ when the Kickstarter launches". And he had. 2. GORGEOUS. Blush. Sprite. I was SOLD

Also, he's soooooo nice to Yunie naturally it was soooo refreshing aaaaawn

- Alexei

Gangsta who is supposed to kick small animals but seems very funny and chill ! I love his "annoyed" sprite and his banter with Thierry, they feel real ! He's actually not foul-mouthed as I was worried (like, swearing every sentence) so I feel relieved ! Thank you for not being rude at all !! πŸ’•πŸ’• 

I think you're quite enjoyable to be around but next time plz do NOT hit our cutie Yunie to hide where you're taking her 😭😭

- Thierry 

Beautiful prince, with a public/private image, my type of appearance... I love the way he talks tbh and his suspicion about Yunie is realistic seeing his standing ! I love his theme very very much and I took a break while listening to it as it was quite nice to do πŸ€£πŸ’• His exchanges with Alexei are really top-tier, they feel quite like siblings πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

- Sami

He's so funny I can't start to point out where 😭😭 I love his little commentaries when they had to escape the prison, the way he was just silently peeking at Yunie not saying anything when she woke up, his aloof, straight to the facts way of speaking... Also the glitter + music prank is a 10/10 recommend πŸ€£πŸ’•

Relationships : The found family part is NAILED, I was not disappointed !! I like when the whole cast have this kind of bonds and it seems natural and not forced ~

Yunie having just appeared didn't make it awkward (except of course at the beginning) and she blended in naturally, it felt very good to read !

Feature Feedback (?) :

- I'm not sure if it will have any importance/utility (?) but as an add on a glossary would be nice ! I really like to go back and just read glossaries entries of games, I just find it neat. But it might not be useful so nvm this part !

- Not sure if it's included already for the rest of the game etc, but when Yunie was observing the cadaver, I would have loved to have this part as an interactive moment, like in AA with a small magnifying glass so we can choose where to look first ! It would be enjoyable to have this, but it's obviously not necessary ☺️

- The escape part was definitely a big GOOD surprise !!!!! I was like "let's go with the hard mode it'll be fun" because I know I read a bit fast. So, the dual text didn't bother me, but I think it is a bit small tbh ! Maybe another screen format for this part or a bigger text might make it easier to read. 

Congratulations to the dev team and everyone involved, you're doing a fine and mighty job !!!!

PS : Fio is gorgeous ✨

Thank you again for the nice comment! Love the new Fio addition as well hahaha


very nice!

Thank you!

es blog no log weon


Sorry, what does this mean πŸ˜­


Incredibly fun demo! The characters all have their own unique voices/personalities that makes them lovable. The sprites, sound design, and UI look wonderful. I'm genuinely so impressed with the level of polish on this already! It feels well thought out & detail oriented. 

Thank you for the hard work! <3

(1 edit) (+2)

Honestly, I had so much fun playing this!


love loved the demo so i thought id jot my thoughts down, excuse the lwk messy v long wall of text,,,,

- the music slaps + UI is gorg, its all v intuitive and complements the game aesthetic. v beautiful art (bgs r all lovely, sprites r so pretty and i love everyone's expressions, the quality is consistent too which is nice!!)
- fio is so hot oh my god. theyre all so hot. i adore yunie's hair its so cute.

- the beginning def confused me for a moment (i thought the present day was a flashback/dream for a bit lol) but im intrigued, v curious to see the rest of the plot. i also appreciate how yunie's observations r well balanced btwn intelligent & reasonable (mystery can sometimes fall into a trap of being like. too far fetched). demo is fab at setting out several points of interest + solidifying character identities. looking forward to seeing it in a more paced out format mayhaps

- timed decisions took me by surprised but it honestly made it more engaging even if it i hadnt expected it
- the mini game was rlly cool!! it def got me paying attention. i was nervous at first, but the fact there's both a pause and slow option meant i had fun knowing i could step away if i needed to. i havent tried the slow mode but its a nice 'safety' mechanism to have.
- it took me a few seconds to adjust to the dual text system but i thought it kept the tension up and i process fast enough that it was enjoyable!! altho i understand why people might want a staggered format
- there being a VN version also means that a lot of bases r covered for people who might not want it, i personally am excited to see more mini games bc i enjoyed it a lot

anyhow a lot is def packed into this which i appreciate. sadly idk if i can financially support the kickstarter/completed game </333 but i hope it goes well and im super excited for the next demo part!!!! 


This game is a delight from start to finish! First, the main menu is already super pretty, but honestly I'm completely charmed by the entire UI! It's gorgeous!

The character designs are beautiful and their personalities really shine through with the dialogue. I'm also really intrigued by the mystery!

Really excited to see more of this game!


It's hard for me to like all the guys in an otome game, but I confess that this demo made me interested in all of them. The settings are stunning and the character art is cute. The music is also great. <3 

I hope your kickstarter is a success and this project can come to life!


Love this! The art is so pretty, and the story got me hooked! Also loved the parallel-gameplay, I don't think I've seen that type of gameplay in another VN before. Looking forward to more and good luck for development!

how do I download exactly? it’s not showing the tutorial anymore,im on an apple ipad,just to clarify ive added it to the files but cant find out anything,does it only work for apple ipads for play on browser apps??


I think they offer downloads for windows, Linux and mac os

Unfortunately it only runs on Mac, Windows and Linux right now. It currently does not have an iOS build.


thank you so much for telling me! 


This game is so nice! I'm hoping that we all get to see the final game! 


Congratulations on your demo release! I had so much fun playing this game and meeting your charming and quirky cast! Yunie is such a fun, lovable, and relatable character. I'm hoping she gets to live out her master detective dreams in the full game. Good luck and I look forward to supporting you on Kickstarter!

(1 edit) (+4)

Looks really promising! And the MC is such a cutie <3


This game is very cute, i see great promise in it, cant wait to see the end result!